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In Defense of the $300 Haircut

Yesterday, The Washington Post published an article about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a haircut that she had gotten recently. The title of this article: “EXCLUSIVE: Self-declared socialist AOC splurges on high-dollar hairdo”. There are just… so many things about this.

Putting aside the fact that there is *no shortage* of edge-of-your-seat news being generated right now (between a potential impeachment and a super typhoon I can barely un-glue my eyes from MSNBC in the mornings), this story appears to have no actual point. Ms. Swoyer itemizes the salon receipt, goes on to compare Rep. Ocasio-Cortez to her male counterparts (typical) who get their haircut in the basement of the senate building, and then just lists other politicians who have had their haircut at one point or other for the rest of the article.

There is no judgement being passed explicitly, but there is a clear message (it’s right there in the headline), that AOC is a hypocrite. Here, the fact that she would spend the equivalent of a month’s worth of groceries on a haircut apparently disqualifies her from being the socialist champion she claims to be (and actually is, tbh).

1. This was not a splurge.

FIRST. She did not get a $300 haircut. She spent $80 on the cut and $180 on highlights and the author graciously speculates that she gave a 20% tip. As a normal, non-famous person, I can assure you that even we plebs pay about $100 on a haircut. That’s just how much they cost.

A quick google search of New York salons shows and average of $122 for a women’s haircut and $216 for highlights, with a 20% tip bringing you a total of $405. So, not only was this haircut not a splurge, it was a little below average, price-wise. Let’s consider, too, that the people providing these services have trained for years to provide a craft worth sharing. This article not only discredits the real need for high-quality self-care, it disparages the people providing the service.

My dad gets a $6 haircut at a strip mall where he “orders a number two”, signaling the octogenarian barber to give him the same buzz he’s had for the last decade. This type of self-maintenance may fly for some people, but it should not be the standard to which we are all held.

2. A Good Hair Day Makes You Feel F***ing GREAT

This is not just a “lady” thing either. Everyone feels good when they look good. Feeling good about your appearance boosts your confidence, your mood, and is over all good for your mental health. With an alarming rise in both the awareness of and struggle with mental health, $300 is a small price to pay for a solid month-long boost in self-confidence.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of the youngest, and most hyped, U.S. Representatives in history. She is doing amazing things for her community, for this country, for women, and for the world. Not only does she deserve to look good, her success depends on it. She is in a position that few young women have ever been. She is in a field dominated by men, men who have a history of belittling and gaslighting the women around them. I’d support (fuck I’d start a kickstarter) for a $3,000 haircut if it meant that AOC could do her work in peace.

3. Self Care Is Really, Really Important.

I don’t mean an extra nap, chocolate cake, or a shopping spree. I mean the things that we do that truly contribute to us being the best version of ourselves. Haircuts are not an indulgence. Grooming is necessary. It is important to care for your body, to make sure every part of you is healthy — including your hair!

Stress and lack of sleep can quite literally make your hair fall out, not to mention a plethora of other potential issues like dryness, dullness, and scalp irritation. Alexandra Ocacio-Cortez is in fucking congress. We all want to look good at our jobs, but most of our jobs probably aren’t in the international lime-light.

I’d wager, too, that we’d like to care for ourselves with the best services within our means. Providing yourself with high-quality care does not make you indulgent or wasteful. Your hair is on your head every damn day. A good haircut lasts a long time. Think of a few things that cost $300: a couple weeks of groceries, concert tickets, a new suit, a night in a hotel? One of these lasts longer that a hair cut, but none of them are more important to a person’s well-being.

Stop villainizing women for taking care of themselves in a world that does nothing but try to bring them down.

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